prisoner of war

美 [ˌprɪznər əv ˈwɔːr]英 [ˌprɪznər əv ˈwɔː(r)]
  • n.战俘;俘虏

复数: prisoners of war

prisoner of warprisoner of war


【不规则形式】pl. prisoners of war

abbr. POW战俘;俘虏
a person, usually a member of the armed forces, who is captured by the enemy during a war and kept in a prison camp until the war has finished


These are all words for a person who has been captured and is being kept somewhere.以上各词和短语均指被捕获、关押的人。

a person who has been captured, for example by an enemy, and is being kept somewhere指被(敌人等)关起来的人、俘虏、战俘。

a person who is captured and held prisoner by a person or group, and who may be injured or killed if people do not do what the person or group is asking指人质

( literary ) a person who is kept as a prisoner指囚徒、俘虏

Captive often occurs in more historical contexts involving people such as kings, queens and princesses. It is also sometimes found in references to political organizations holding people against their will. Prisoner is more often used to talk about people who have been captured in war.

a person who is kept in prison, especially for political reasons and often without a trial尤指因政治原因,通常是未经审讯被扣留、关押的人

a person, usually a member of the armed forces, who is captured by the enemy during a war and kept in a prison camp until the war has finished指战俘

prisoner of war


  • 1
    N-COUNT 战俘; 俘虏
    Prisoners of war are soldiers who have been captured by their enemy during a war and kept as prisoners until the end of the war.


a person who surrenders to (or is taken by) the enemy in time of war
Synonym: POW


  1. McCain spent five and a half years in a prisoner of war camp in Vietnam .


  2. Overnight between February 9 and 10 , 1864 , more than 100 imprisoned Union soldiers broke out of their prisoner of war building at Libby Prison in Richmond , Virginia .


  3. No Prisoner of War save data present on the hard disk .


  4. Especially life as a prisoner of war .


  5. He was captured and made a prisoner of war .


  6. His experiences as a prisoner of war have left him marked for life .


  7. CHAPTER 2 : PRISONER OF WAR Let 's leave out Chapter Two and cut to Chapter Three .


  8. I 've brought you a prisoner of war .


  9. A prisoner of war must only reveal his name , rank , and serial number .


  10. The prisoner of war gave his parole not to try to escape .


  11. The prisoner of war quickly dragged him into the bushes .


  12. When Germany surrendered in 1945 , Grass was briefly an American prisoner of war .


  13. During World War II while my father worked a shovel in the Japanese Prisoner of War camp


  14. The prisoner of war escaped from the jail .


  15. As a prisoner of war , Captain Kapaun helped save other prisoners from being shot .


  16. His comrades perish , and Alfie becomes a German prisoner of war .


  17. McCain was shot down over North Vietnam and was held as a prisoner of war under brutal conditions .


  18. He spent 47 days at sea , until he was captured by the Japanese Navy and kept as a prisoner of war .


  19. Events On the Content and Development of the Treatment Rules for Prisoner of War and the Illegality of Maltreatment to Prisoners in America


  20. Davis said one segment will feature a testimonial of McCain 's years spent as a prisoner of war during the Vietnam War .


  21. Word of honor , especially that of a prisoner of war who is granted freedom only after promising to lay down arms .


  22. And Biden acknowledged McCain 's military service as a prisoner of war in Vietnam , but said Obama would be a better leader .


  23. And this man , Archie Cochrane , is a prisoner of war and a doctor , and he has a problem .


  24. Three years I spent in that hellhole , three years a prisoner of war to that damnable frostwolf clan .


  25. A luckless prisoner of war ;


  26. He had enlisted in the Confederate army at the age of 16 and served briefly until captured as a prisoner of war .


  27. Instead , McCain recalls his experience as a prisoner of war during the Vietnam War and urges voters to fight for their beliefs .


  28. He interviewed James Stockdale , a former US navy pilot , who spent nearly eight years in North Vietnam as a prisoner of war .


  29. All evening we had been asking our returned soldier , the youngest Patrick Boy , about his experiences as a prisoner of war .


  30. The inmates of a German World War II prisoner of war camp conduct an espionage and sabotage campaign right under the noses of their warders .
